DataMan 475V

Cognex barcode verification technology ensures the readability and compliance of 1D and 2D barcodes to industry standardization guidelines. Today most companies spot check codes one at a time using an offline, operator-based verifier which can be slow and cumbersome.

The DataMan 475V series inline barcode verifier can grade up to 20 codes per second. High-speed 100% verification and quality reporting can be done directly on your production line, preventing product waste and costly chargebacks. Immediate feedback and intuitive visual diagnostics provide operators with the ability to identify and correct printing and process control issues as they happen. For every code verified, detailed reports can be archived to ensure traceability, statistical process control, and compliance.

Label-based barcode quality compliance

The DataMan 475V-label uses a four-quadrant, 45-degree lighting attachment for grading 1D and 2D label-based barcodes. This model is compliant with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), allowing proper grading of 1D and 2D codes, according to the ISO 15415 standards. The included calibration card and robust grading algorithms ensure that the DataMan 475V conforms to ISO and application standards while providing accurate and repeatable results.

Direct part mark (DPM) code quality compliance

DataMan 475V-DPM illuminates codes on textured, curved, and highly reflective surfaces using a multi-quadrant lighting attachment with 30S, 30Q, 30T, 45, and 90-degree lighting options. This model is ISO compliant and ready to grade codes in accordance with the ISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM) standard.

Auto-generate code quality data and reports

Barcode verification software provides visual diagnostic information to identify one-off or trending code quality issues. It assigns an overall grade to a code based on measurements of ISO-defined quality parameters and generates an official quality report. These parameters measure several factors that affect a barcode reader’s ability to identify and decipher a code, maximizing read rate performance throughout the supply chain.

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版权所有 吉林省先达条码信息技术有限公司(智者先创  勇者先达) 电话:0431-85948308  
地址:长春市朝阳区硅谷大街5999号益田创客大厦B座1139室   吉ICP备17002263号-1  
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